we’ve moved home.

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You read that right.

Bayne, Wes and I have gravitated back to our Bluenose roots and found a temporary house in my hometown. It wasn’t expected but over the coming months, we’ll need more hands on deck between assisting Bayne in his lengthy recovery after a serious incident nearly a month ago and adding our new member to our family in a few short weeks.

Our family unit was shaken by Bayne’s immensely close-to-death incident that saw him in ICU for two weeks and a recovery that will take the better part of a year. It came at a time when he is deep in another semester at UNB and I am experiencing the busiest time with my business, 20342 months pregnant and chasing a curious one-year-old no less. Oh, and let’s throw a worldwide pandemic in there, too. Stressed out? Nah.

We made the decision to leave New Brunswick so our families could help us out because, let’s face it, we were going to need it with or without optimal health. Two under two while undertaking an engineering degree, working and running a business is no friggin’ joke. Accepting help isn’t something either of us are good at and we both relish in our independence so letting go of that feels strange but it’s been nice to have that support. I don’t want to consider where we would be without them. Baby Two will be born in the same hospital that Wes and I were both born in. All of our family is within an hour drive to our new home. We can throw a rock from our front step and it will land in the Atlantic. Though it wasn’t where we planned on being, I believe in those weird signals that the universe throws at us sometimes.

It’s been a shitshow few weeks BUT we received the keys to our new house on Monday and opening the door felt like a new beginning. It was like seeing the light at the end of an enclosed waterslide (not a fan). No more transient feelings. We can have our space. We can be under one roof after bouncing between our parents homes through the summer months. Our things are all in one place. Though Wes has only spent a few minutes there, he is already very happy with the large picture window that faces the water where he can watch boats and vehicles pass by. He was elated to be reunited with the toys we had left at our old house, too. The moment he saw them made me both happy and sad. I’ve been so caught up in the chaos that I haven’t been present in his development as much as I would like to. He’s growing so quickly, but I’m loving it. Parenting truly is the ultimate paradox.

So here we are. It’s true what they say; '“all roads lead home”… whoever they are. We’re “home” again, home again, jiggity jig.


introducing arlo grace horton.


nova scotia summer II // wes