is it bedtime yet? // personal.


It was one of those days in our house. You know the type where everyone is hot, sticky, cranky, overtired and underachieving? Yeah. That type of day. A show of hands if you’ve been there lately, too!

We’ve been working from home for the last few months like many other families have. We’ve been mostly successful but there have been some grizzly days where I’m not sure if I will make it to bedtime without posting a Kijiji ad to sell the boys for $5 with complimentary delivery. Today was a close one. To recap, it’s 8pm and I’ve only just sat down. The house is finally tidy and the baby went down without issue before 7pm but those are about the only things I’ve achieved (unless pure survival is counted and if it is, I’m mint). But I’m a mess. I haven’t showered yet today. Maybe yesterday - I can’t remember? I haven’t read an email, let alone responded to one. I haven’t edited photos or even thought about catching up on social media… until now, but that’s reality I guess. I try to keep my expectations low. I know working from home isn’t ideal, especially when we aren’t in our own home (a big thanks to our parents for putting up with us for the summer… again). I’m someone with a tendency to embrace procrastination ****SQUIRREL**** but add a sticky, sweaty toddler who needs you and your day instantly becomes a little harder (ahem, a little… jk)

But I assure you, this isn’t a bitch session where I look for your pity. Nope. This is a success story to brag about getting through the day without a total meltdown (literally - holy f*** it was hot) and I didn’t post the boys on Kijiji either! That’s a win. I chalk it up to a lot of snacks, even more patience, a bath to cool off our hot attitudes and knowing that bedtime has to come eventually.

The photo above was one of the few moments we had that grounded me today.

The photo reminded me of two things:

1.) That we are lucky to have the opportunity to work from home, stay healthy and watch this little boy and this not so little bump grow!

2.) How the f*** are we going to do this with more kids? Outnumbered and still doing the same work? Jesus, take the wheel!

I see you working parents just out here surviving. I see your cold coffees and I’ll cheers to that. I see your hard work, even if it isn’t the work you were hoping to finish - believe me, you’re still doing hard work! If there is a guidebook on how to survive this season, I haven’t found it yet and to be honest, I’m a bit glad I haven’t because it would heighten my expectations and I honestly think keeping them low is key. If your expectations are always low, it will always seems like you’re achieving so so so much more, right?! Maybe not, but either way, I see you! I am you! We’ve got this… mostly, and if nothing else, I feel good knowing no one in my home office judged me today for not showering - another win!

If you do have some hot tips on how to survive working from home with littles, I’d love to read them in the comments! Feel free to share your feel good (jk your disaster stories to make me feel better) stories, too! Unfortunately anything alcohol related will have to wait a few more months ;)

And on that note, I think it’s finally bedtime!


one year of wes carman.


chantal & kirk // nova scotia engagement