momming in march.


“Don’t mind the mess” and “yeah, we have been watching a lot of TV lately” are two things I’ve been saying more than I’d like to and we take longer to get out of our cozier jammies every morning but I think that’s just parenting in March. The weather in The Maritimes can fluctuate in weird ways and the emotions in this house reflect that. It can be happy, warm and sunny one minute and a fucking snowstorm the next. It kind of sounds like living with a toddler, right? They can go from happy to a hurricane as quickly as I run towards the sound of a bag of chips opening.

Our winter feels like it has flown by. I still find that I’m over it. I find it hard to get outside. I find it hard to get motivated. I find myself wishing time would go faster but shit, these babies are only going to be babies today. I want to freeze this moment. I’ll take the milky breath, late-night feedings and sticky fingers any day. I’ll wake up on a morning much sooner than I know and they won’t need me as they do now. I keep trying to hold onto that thought in the moments where I’m struggling to juggle both of their needs and my own at once, wishing they didn’t need me quite so much.

It’s the ultimate paradox, this parenting thing is. It’s a constant balancing act. We strive to find an equilibrium that I don’t believe exists.

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arisaig at sunset.


the sayeau family