mundane mumday 03.15
He’s stuck to me like a shadow. His little feet follow in my footsteps day in and day out. It’s sweet to watch Wes learn and mimic us as he unearths the joys of our mundane days but all too often, he’s directly in my path. It’s easy to be frustrated but I stop and ground myself before losing my shit; usually, that is.
This morning didn’t go that way.
I recently acquired some new camera gear and I can’t seem to budget the time to play with it. I saw an opportunity this morning once everyone was fed and began to set up in the kitchen for some test shots. I was half a coffee deep and running on about four hours of interrupted sleep so I was not at my best. I had my head down trying to adjust something on my flash when I saw Wes trying to grab my coffee off of the kitchen table. I yelled and scared him. It caused a shitty reaction. I instantly regretted how I handled myself and brought Wes in for a squeeze. It usually acts as a reset button for both of us when shit hits the fan. I had everything set up for a shot and had been doing tests in the same spot and was able to hit the trigger to grab the photo above.
Our days are like Groundhog Day. Diapers and snacks and a lofty goal of having both boys sleep at the same time at least once during the day. It’s pure survival in this house most days with a side of bliss. I’m signing off to go tidy up Wes’s imagination trail of kitchen utensils and put myself to bed. x
#MundaneMumdays is a passion project to document our days as Mums, no matter how mundane they may be. I leave cameras around my house on Monday’s as a reminder to capture moments as the day goes on, hopping into the frame when I can. Give it a try yourself next Monday and add the hashtag to follow along.